
The Irish Heart Foundation continuously monitors international research on smoking-related issues to identify new and better ways to reduce smoking rates. As part of this work, the Irish Heart Foundation partnered with the Irish Cancer Society to carry out an extensive review of emerging research regarding e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTP). Having considered the available evidence and the views of the major international bodies such as the World Health Organisation in relation to these products, we must urge caution in relation to e-cigarettes and HTP.

Although it is generally accepted that e-cigarettes are less harmful than tobacco, there is insufficient research to date on their long-term impact on users. Several studies have also highlighted that they are less effective than other smoking cessation tools at helping people quit for good. The Irish Heart Foundation is also deeply concerned about how a whole new generation of children are at risk of becoming addicted to nicotine due to cynical marketing tactics directed at them by e-cigarette brands.

You can read the full paper here – Position paper on e-cigarettes and HTP ICS and IHF and view the accompanying infographic here – Infographic e-cigarettes